Welcome to Clearcast
Every year, we see about 29,000 advert scripts and review over 62,540 ads. As you can imagine, they cover every imaginable subject, market, and scenario.
The scale and scope of the services we provide mean occasionally our clients don’t quite know where to begin. To assist, we’ve created this handy guide – downloadable PDF and screenshots below. It paints a picture of what we do, who we do it for and how we can help you.
It explains how we work with advertisers, agencies, broadcasters, and regulators to get great ads to air and then keep them there. It also shows you how to get started.
A PDF version can be downloaded here: Welcome to Clearcast
1. Clearcast in a nutshell and where we fit into the industry
2. ASA, BCAP and The Codes (including what to do if someone complains about your ad)
3. How Copy Clearance works (including how to make your clearance run smoothly)
4. Our Extra services
5. Clearcast for Media Owners and Media Buying Agencies
6. FAQS, common ad restrictions and glossary