What is assignment?
'Assignment' in The Library is the new method of Clearcast sending submissions back to you for action OR you returning your submissions to Clearcast for review. Assignment is currently done on an individual basis and a submission can only be assigned to one user at a time. If a submission is assigned to you or a colleague, then it will be pending yours or their action and there should be feedback indicating what is required. If a submission is assigned to a Clearcast user, you know that your submission is being worked on by that Clearcast user.
Why is my submission unassigned?
When you first create a submission you will see that the status is 'unassigned'. This either means that your Clearcast contact is yet to begin working on the submission and/or our technical team are working on it. When a Clearcast user begins working on the submission they will then become the assignee and the submission status will then be either 'ops checks processing or 'clearance processing'.
Why can't I assign a material?
There could be a number of reasons why you can't assign a material:
How do I find submissions assigned to me?
By using the below search parameters on the materials page, you will be able to locate any ongoing materials assigned to yourself and pending your action. You need to enter yourself as the currently assignee, but you can also include your colleagues in here as well and select multiple.