This guide will assist you in understanding the different statuses that exist within The Library.
This status means you're waiting for the QC to be fulfilled and/or for your to submit your material for clearance. If the QC has completed already, then this suggests you have not submitted for clearance yet, in which case, go into the submission details in your material, and click 'create new submission'.
This status means your video material has been submitted successfully and it is awaiting ops checks. A pending status means it is yet to be assigned, which means the Clearcast ops team has not yet started working on this material.
This status means your video material has been picked up by the Ops team and they are reviewing the legal supers and metadata. If your material is with a Clearcast user as the assignee, the Clearcast user can assign it back to you, which means the submission contains feedback and is pending your action. Once you have completed the required action, make sure you assign it back to the Clearcast user.
This status means your video has completed ops checks (if it's a video), and is now awaiting the clearance executive to pick it up and start work on it.
This status means that the Clearance exec has begun working on your material. If your material is with a Clearcast executive as the assignee, the Clearcast exec can assign it back to you, which means the submission contains feedback and is pending your action. Once you have completed the required action, make sure you assign it back to the Clearcast exec.
Once your material reaches "final actioned" status, you'll see the detailed final action directly below the status bar. Please note that no further uploads or edits can be made by you at this stage as the submission is locked.