Meet Our Consultants

Get together with our expert advertising consultants

The BCAP Code governing broadcast advertising in the UK covers an enormous range of sectors, including specific regulations on everything from food and drink to gambling, politics, and religion.

Ads in some of these sectors often make claims in their ads (food & drink, cosmetics, cleaning products, etc.), so in this case, we sometimes have to refer ads to expert consultants to clear them for broadcast with confidence.

We work closely with these consultants whenever we need to, but we’ve found it’s helpful for agencies, advertisers, and broadcasters to meet them directly.

To find out about all of our consultants and their areas of expertise, please visit:

Our Consultants

Not all of our consultants are available for Meet The Consultant sessions. If in doubt, ask your Clearcast contact. 

While we can’t clear specific scripts or claims at these meetings, they provide a chance to talk through issues, discuss the pitfalls of specific creative ideas, and gain a better understanding of the overall state of a particular sector or type of ad.

How to meet our consultants

All meetings happen at our London office. This is a premium service rather than part of our standard service, and as such charges apply.

If you’d like to set up a meeting, please speak to your Clearcast contact or send an email to Please note that the Meet the Consultant service is not available for all of Clearcast's consultants. Below is a table of some of our most frequently used consultants that are generally available for meetings, but it may well be possible to arrange a meeting with others.

Cleaning products
Consultant — Mark Stuart Smith
Consultant — Dr. Suzie Moore, Dr. Sara Tabiat-Pour, Professor Robin Seymour
Dermatology (cosmetics and skincare)
Consultant — Dr. Jack Ferguson, Dr. Robin Dover
Exercise & fitness
Consultant —  David Broom PHD
Consultant — John van Kuffeler
General medicine
Consultant — Dr. James Walmsley
Consultant — John Ling
Consultants —  Dr. David B Peterson, Lucy Rochford, TC Callis
Sports equipment
Consultant — David Curtis, Jonathan S. Wheat
Consultant — David Chilvers
Vacuum cleaners
Consultant — Mr. Capron-Tee, 
Consultant — Marge Chandler

If you'd like to read more about how this can help the clearance process, you can find a case study of our Copy Development service coupled with a consultant meeting below:

CD case study.docx