Fast Track 2-Hour TVC

We also offer 2-Hour Fast Track, guaranteeing approval on your final submissions within two hours of upload, as long as you have an approved rough-cut. Some FAQs related to our 2-Hour Fast Track service are below. 

The cost is £1100+VAT.

(If you used our Fast Track service for the rough cut, then you'll see two charges of £550+VAT – one for the Fast Track pre-production and one for the final TVC – to give a total of £1100+VAT).

The service is available for TVCs uploaded 9am-4pm, Mon-Fri (excluding bank holidays and other days Clearcast is closed). If you upload outside of these hours, the two hour turnaround will start at 9am on the following working day.

Full Terms & Conditions are available here or for more details, check out our FAQs below.                                                                                                         

Q: Do I have to use 2 Hour TVC? Can I still use standard Clearance or regular Fast Track?

A: Not at all. When uploading a TVC, you can choose the regular service (no charge), Fast Track (£550+VAT, guaranteed feedback within 24 hours), or 2 Hour TVC (£1100+VAT, guaranteed approval within 2 hours). 

Q: My rough cut was approved by the regular service, which option should I choose for 2 Hour TVC?

A: Choose “2 Hour TVC – Based on Standard Clearance”. The charge is £1100+VAT.

Q: My rough cut was approved by the Fast Track service, which option should I choose for 2 Hour TVC?

A: Choose “2 Hour TVC – Based on Fast Track”. The charge is £550+VAT for the 2 Hour TVC service, on top of the £550+VAT charge already applied for Fast Track at pre-production stage.

Q: I haven’t had a rough cut approved, which option should I choose for 2 Hour TVC?

A: 2 Hour TVC is not available if you have not had a rough cut approved. If you upload for 2 Hour TVC, the submission will be assessed for Fast Track suitability. If suitable it will be processed as a Fast Track submission for £550+VAT. If not suitable, it will be reallocated to the regular team for no charge.

Q: I have had a rough cut approved, but made some changes to the edit since then. Can I use 2 Hour TVC?

A: No. The final TVC needs to match the approved rough cut.

Q: I want to use 2 Hour TVC for my rough cut. Can I?

A: No. 2 Hour TVC service is only available on The Library for clocked ads.  

Q: I haven’t had a rough cut approved exactly, but it’s almost approved. It has been reviewed and I know the changes I need to make for TVC stage. Can I have 2 Hour TVC on that basis?

A: No. The rough cut needs to be fully approved for 2 Hour TVC to be available.

Q: I uploaded something for the regular service or Fast Track, but would now like to change that to 2 Hour TVC. Is that possible.

A: No, 2 Hour TVC must be selected at the time of upload and cannot be applied after submission.

Q: I will have a number of very similar clocks to upload, and would like 2 Hour TVC on them all. Is any pricing discount available?

A: No. The cost is £1100+VAT per clock. Discounts are often available for multiple similar clocks in the 24hr Fast Track service – please email for details – but not for 2 Hour TVC clearance.

Q: What are the operating hours of the 2 Hour TVC service?

A: 9am to 4pm, Mon-Fri (excluding bank holidays and other days when Clearcast is closed). If a TVC is uploaded for the service outside of these times, the 2hr turnaround will start at 9am on the following working day.

Q: Will a TVC uploaded for the regular service or Fast Track definitely take longer than 2 hours? I’ve had TVCs approved very quickly before when urgent, and didn’t have to pay £1100.

A: We will always try to work as quickly as possible, and may well be able to approve clocks in less than 2 hours on any of the three service options. But only 2 Hour TVC clearance can guarantee approval within 2 hours.