Ad Clearance Process Overview

Getting your ad cleared is essential for making sure your ad content complies with regulatory standards and industry guidelines. The ad clearance process involves three key stages—Script, Rough Cut, and Final TVC (Television Commercial)—which are all managed through our clearance system, The Clearcast Library

For a more detailed breakdown of all three stages, you can watch our system demo videos here.

There are no costs involved in the process, provided your ad will be transmitted on one of the channels we clear for. This includes on-demand and online channels.

Starting the clearance process as early as possible, ideally allowing at least two to three weeks before your air date, is highly recommended to avoid delays.

Getting Started with The Library (our online clearance system)

Once you’ve registered and logged into The Library, start by creating a ‘campaign’. This will serve as a central hub where all your materials (script, rough cut, and final TVC) are linked together along with any feedback. This streamlined process helps you manage all stages of clearance efficiently in one place.

Stage 1: Script Stage (Pre-Production)

In this initial stage, you’ll upload your script, along with any necessary substantiation (evidence for claims in the ad), to The Library.

  • Steps:
    1. Create a Campaign: Begin by creating a ‘campaign’ in The Library.
    2. Script Submission: Create a ‘script material’ within the campaign. Input the required information and upload your script, substantiation, and any necessary storyboards. The script should detail all elements of the ad, including visuals, voiceovers, and text.
    3. Feedback: Within approximately three working days, you’ll receive feedback from your Clearcast contact. This will either be an approval or notes on required changes. If your script includes advanced scientific or technical claims, it may need further review by a consultant, which could extend the feedback timeline.

Once your script is approved, you can proceed to the production of your ad and then move on to Stage 2.

Stage 2: Rough Cut Stage (Post-Production)

At this stage, you’ll submit the filmed version (rough cut) of your ad to The Library.

  • Steps:
    1. Rough Cut Submission: Create a rough-cut material within your campaign. Input the required information and upload your rough-cut video file.
    2. Review: Although this stage is not mandatory, we strongly recommend it, as it can save you time and money down the line. The Copy Clearance team will review your ad in their daily viewing meeting, checking for compliance, and determining any timing or scheduling restrictions.
    3. Supers Check: The team will also review your ad’s ‘supers’ (superimposed legal text) to ensure they meet legibility standards.
    4. Feedback: You’ll receive feedback that either approves the rough cut or outlines any necessary edits.

Once your rough cut is approved, you can move on to Stage 3.

Stage 3: Final TVC Stage / Final Clocked Ad

In the final stage, you’ll upload your final clocked ad to The Library.

  • Steps:
    1. Final Submission: Create a TVC material within your campaign. Input the required information and upload your final clocked ad, including the clock slate.
    2. Quality Control: The Library will automatically perform Quality Control (QC) checks on your ad, including duration, sound, and PSE (photo-sensitive epilepsy) checks. If the ad fails any of these checks, you’ll be notified so you can make necessary adjustments and re-upload the file.
    3. Final Review: Your Clearcast contact will conduct a final compliance check. Once approved, the status will be updated in The Library, and broadcasters will be able to see that your ad is cleared.
    4. Delivery: After receiving final approval, your ad is ready for delivery to broadcasters through your preferred delivery supplier.

Additional Resources and Support

  • System Demo Videos: For a more detailed breakdown of all three stages, watch our system demo videos.
  • Interactive Training: Join us for interactive training on the clearance process, including code rules, top tips, and more.
  • Support: If you need help getting started, contact our new business team.
  • Other Services: We also offer additional clearance services to help you get your ad to air if you have tight deadlines or complex claims.