Ad Attribution Service

Providing accurate data for advertising analysis

Our Attribution service provides data that underpins reports on the impact and reach of TV advertising.

The service uses the unique clock number assigned to every TV ad in the UK to match ads to the products, advertisers or buying agencies to which they relate.

The power of attribution data

When combined with audience figures from the Broadcast Audience Research Board (BARB), Clearcast Attribution data can be used for many kinds of analysis, including:

  • Share of voice calculation, to work out what percentage of attention a particular brand is getting compared to its competitors.
  • Brand advertising analysis, to identify which of an advertiser’s brands are not being carried.
  • Buying agency comparison, to find out which buying agencies are purchasing ad slots from competitors, and for which brands.
  • Creative Agency added in 2020 Creative agencies can now be listed in daily and weekly export files.

Our Attribution service makes it much easier to analyse BARB data because it provides extra information about ads and automatically matches them to spots, product codes and names.

To learn more about what Attribution can do for you please contact David Joel at Clearcast on 0207 339 4700 or email 

If you'd like to sign up for the service, please contact our Business Affairs Manager Danny Turner on

Related information: See some of our file specifications for the Attribution service